Saturday, May 30, 2009

He is there just for you....

when we say negative things, God always has positive answers to them..

" It's impossible "
All things are possible ( Luke 18:27 )

" I'm too tired "
I will give you rest ( Matthew 11:28-30)

" Nobody really loves me "
I love you ( John 3:16 & John 3:34 )

" I can't go on "
My grace is sufficient ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15 )

" I can't figure things out "
I will direct your steps ( Proverbs 3:5-6 )

" I can't do it "
You can do all things ( Philippians 4:13 )

"I'm not able "
I am able ( 2 Corinthians 9:8)

" It's not worth it "
It will be worth it ( Romans 8:28 )

" I can't forgive myself "
I forgive you ( 1 John 1:9 & Romans 8:1 )

" I can't manage "
I will supply all your needs ( Philippians 4:19 )

" I'm afraid "
I have not given you a spirit of fear ( 2 Timothy 1:7 )

" I'm always worried and frustrated "
Cast all your cares on ME ( 1 Peter 5:7 )

" i don't have enough faith "
I've given everyone a measure of faith ( Romans 12:3 )

" I'm not smart enough "
I give you wisdom ( 1 Corinthians 1:30 )

" I feel all alone "
I will never leave you nor forsake you ( Hebrews 13:5 )

Believe God is there just for you..

i got all these from a piece of paper i stumbled upon today and i find it really encouraging..i hope it encourages you too and if you want, you can copy and paste it wherever you want to..definitely no rights reserved =) these are the things most of us often say or feel..yet, God wants to assure us that He can and He will take away all our fears and anxieties..our low self esteem..if only we surrender our all to Him..i felt encouraged by the many encouraging verses i've read before..and when i read the same verses again, i feel so ashamed of myself..for not having enough faith in Him..for worrying so much over earthly things..i know i can depend and rely on Him..but i often feel i've not done enough to rely on Him..and as i searched and read the many verses i needed last night..i know that only God can comfort me and supply all my needs..once again, i wanna put my trust in Him and stop worrying so much..i know that if i do my part, God will do the rest..worry is a sin..but it's just so hard to stop worrying..

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.... ( Revelation 21:4 )

Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light..

1 comments: said...

yay! that's the way girl =)
i know how you're feelin cz ive been thru haha