Saturday, January 14, 2006

He Promises To Willingly Forgive You

You willingly forgive, and your love is always there for those who pray to you (Ps 86:5)

In Luke 15, Jesus tells the story of a guy who wanted to live his own life. So he asked his dad for money he was suppose to inherit later and left home. Of course, his money eventually ran out, and he had to get the worst job he could think of-feeding pigs. He was so hungry he wished he could eat some of what they were having. Finally, he got tired of living that way and decided to go home. He didn't expect things to be exactly like they were before he left, but he thought his dad might give him a job as his servant.
His dad surprised him. He saw him coming and ran down the road to meet him. His father was so excited to see him that he threw a big party.
Jesus told this story to give you a picture of just how willing God is to forgive you. He's like a dad, standing on the porch, looking down the road for you-running towards you when he sees you coming. He doesn't forgive you because he has to. He forgives you because, like that dad, he loves you and what he wants more than anything else is to have you home with him.
PS. Taken from the Contemporary English version (Bible for Students)

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Fiona said...

isn't this the story of the prodigal son?