Thursday, May 29, 2008

A bright future...

The below is entirely taken from : Daily Grace for Teens by blessing books..

As far as the sunrise is from sunset, He has separated us from our sins. Psalms 103:12

Ever looked at the world around and wondered, Why am i here? Or, maybe you've wished you could take a peek into the future just long enough to see what it holds for you.

You're not alone. At some point we all have wondered what would it be like to glimpse into the future, hoping to discover it held something good.

But what if the picture you see is not so good? What if your future was based on your past? Would there be anything to look forward to?

Your Heavenly Father, who wants to direct your life, does not base your future on your past. He planned a wonderful future for you before you were born.

When you invited Him into your heart, anything you did in the past that would hinder your future has been forgiven - and forgotten. God, who keeps record of all the you do, wiped your slate clean and removed any recollection of wrongdoing by taking all your sins and throwing them into the sea of forgetfulness.

He will not use them against you, because he has chosen never to remember them.

You don't need the assistance of a psychic or the horoscope to show you what the future looks like. You have God's Word and His promise. Look at your past long enough to be sure you have acknowledge your wrong, turn away from it, and ask Jesus to be Lord over your life. That's the best way to know that your future is secure in Him.

Grace for today : God provided a way for us to escape a checkered past and enjoy a bright and prosperous future.

came across this today so just felt like posting it least an update right?i know some of you may not like the way i update nowadays by just taking something from somewhere but at least this is not like you can read it just anywhere..and i really have nothing interesting to blog about currently..unless you wanna know how i spent my time for the past these few months??

till then!