Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i don't know what to name this post....

There were dogs that hated all men, and dogs that hated all women;
dogs that stole from their masters and dogs that jealously attacked defenseless infants.
There were even dogs that ate their own faeces.
......"there are no bad dogs, only inept, clueless owners..."

taken from the book, "Marley and Me" by John Grogan.

somehow those phrases drew my attention so i decided to post it here.the top one's interesting and true..the last line, hmm...makes me ponder..

p/s. it touches me each time when i post a post which i needed encouragement, the next few times i check it, it'll be filled with so many encouragements in the comments.. thank you so so much...i truly appreciate it and i really need them...i feel much better now...yes, EVERYTHING TO GOD IN PRAYER!

p/s/s. it's the perfect weather to sleep now cause it's raining kittens and puppies till i couldn't watch the very last 5 minutes of the last episode of greatest american dog on starworld..ish...

i love this song..too bad i still can't find the mp3 to download..

the 12 dogs in greatest american dog...