Wednesday, September 09, 2009


it's the so called most auspicious day of the year ! i think.. haha.. i'm not conscious or superstitious about all these but i just wanna blog a post and get a nice time stamp, like everyone.. 09/09/09 which occurs only once in a lifetime.. every single date occurs once in a lifetime in fact just that certain dates looked more special...

the only extraordinary thing happened today which crossed my head is... getting fined for the first time.. for parking my car out of college's boundaries.. there's a "reserved" sign there.. i've never parked there before until last week or 2 weeks back when nothing happened even when i parked the whole day so i thought it would be fine since there were no other nearby parking lots available.. yeah, i admit, lazy-to-walk genes took place.. haha..

i'm really thankful that a friend of mine saw someone putting the notice on my car, nicely handwritten in caps ( which i was tempted to get a picture of it to post it here but was too panicked ) which says no parking and bla bla bla - fine rm50.. what?! 50 bucks? that would be so not worth paying.. i don't really know what happened after that, i moved the car, my friend showed the guard the notice, the guard talked to someone on a bike then nothing happened.. phew..thank God the car wasn't clamped.. i've really learned my lesson.. i won't ever park there again.. i'd rather walk further then to pay 50bucks, obviously..never knew it could be that serious..

and so, this is the reason to my latest facebook and msn status which says : ONCE bitten, TWICE shy, THREE TIMES a fool.. i won't do it again...

till then !!

p/s. i have a confession : i cheated to get this time stamp.. it's actually Sept 10th, 1.39am now.. i forgot the significance of blogging on the 9th till just now so the time stamp is adjusted.. hehe.. i sacrificed, i mean delayed some sleep time which means i'll wake up even later tomorrow.. indeed, everything has a price to be paid..

p/s/s. so much to do.. so much in mind.. mind feels so tensed up.. so lazy and tired as well.. i don't want saturday to come but at the same time wanna get it over quick..

p/s/s/s. oh yes, there goes a few more first times of mine - first time being fined (related to driving i mean), first time cheating on the time stamp and first time having a "p/s/s/s" on my post..