today marks the end of the life of a 12 years old terrapin...i had these 3 terrapins since 12 years ago when i was only 7..well not really mine..each belonged to me, my brother and my's no doubt that i have not much feelings towards them as the years went by for they looked very scary and i feel bad to say, ugly..i've never noticed when they turned not cute..
i don't feed them nor change their dad does it..i've only tried changing the water once..too tough for me though...well, they don't even have names..we tried naming them ninja or don't know what..or north south re mi..none of the names worked cause terrapins don't need names afterall..not that they'll answer anyway..
i'm really surprised how they could live up to 12 years for they were quite abandoned for a certain period of time..and they are all undersized for a more than a decade terrapin..they are only the size of a quarter or less of a 10 year old terrapin we saw in a pet shop..
and never did i expect one of them would leave today when my mum told me about it this morning..the one belonged to my's just so sudden..the biggest of all..and i consider the one with the most beautiful shell..i don't know what's the cause...i thought i would have no feelings towards this death but i was can one have no feelings towards a life that's been in one's house for 12 years?? and someone even said, just throw it into the dustbin...what the!!??anyway, it's buried in the field nearby...
the one on the left is the one i'm talking about..yes, it's 12 years old..unbelievable isn't it?but it looks bigger than in the picture..
my nameless terrapin..i got to learn to appreciate it more now..

the three of them...this picture was taken 2 years ago...can't remember who captured it..probably my mum..i don't have many of their pictures cause they don't look cute..they bite..and i so regret deleting a picture of them which i tried capturing with my phone during earth hour that day cause i was just trying to test my phone's flash light and it didn't turn out nice..
why la so emo your post? cheer up! next time when u go heaven that time go say sorry to your terrapin! and tell the fella be grateful that its not a meanie that take care of them, cause the meanie sure will eat the terrapin wan..>_< ekekeke hugs!
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